Dec 15, 2014

7 Cool Facts About Marijuana

Here's 7 cool facts about Marijuana that you may not have known about.

1) Marijuana / Cannabis plants contain 70+ compounds called Cannabinoids.
The most popular and well known cannabinoid is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

THC is one of the primary psychoactive cannabinoids responsible for making us feel 'high'.

2) Our body produces a neurotransmitter similar to THC, called Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine). Anandamide is considered to be an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter. It's name was derived from the Sanskrit word; Ananda - which means 'Bliss/Joy'.

3) It's impossible to OD (Overdose) on Marijuana.

4) In August 13, 1941. A talented auto engineer; by the name of Henry Ford released to the public his awesome invention for the world to see. A car that was constructed from a blend of hemp and soybeans that was also able to run off hemp derived bio-fuel. The car was able to withstand impact 10x stronger than the industry standard metals being used at the time.

The idea would never take off due to the eventual banning of hemp as well as smear campaigns launched by people with interests in the petroleum industry.

5) Marijuana / Cannabis seeds can be made into oil for food, supplements, cosmetic products, lubrication, bio fuels and a whole range of other useful things.

6) Hemp fabric is more versatile than cotton. It can be up to 4x warmer, more water absorbent, 3x the strength (tensile) and is a lot more durable than cotton is.

7) Cannabis is safer than both; alcohol and tobacco but remains illegal in many parts of the world.

Some countries have made Marijuana legal only on a medical basis due to it's versatile ability to treat numerous conditions and diseases (Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Auto immune disorders, all types of Cancer, Chronic pain, PTSD, Drug withdrawals/cessation and many more!)

Marijuana - Can't we all just get a bong?

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